Wash My Hands

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Your Child Will Learn

A fun way to wash their hands

Here’s What to Do

  1. Sing “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” with your child (if unfamiliar, search the song on the Internet).
  2. Teach your child new words to sing while washing hands:
    • I wash, wash, wash my hands
    • Until they’re nice and clean
    • I rub the bottoms and the tops
    • And fingers in between
  3. Practice washing hands while singing the song. 
  4. Sing the song with your child every time they wash their hands. 

Put PEER Into Action


  • Reach your hands into the air as you take a deep breath and drop them down by your side as you exhale.


  • “We’re going to learn new words to the song so it can help you wash your hands!”
  • “Can you show me how you rub soap on the tops and bottoms of your hands and in between your fingers? Don’t forget your thumbs!”


  • “Oops! You forgot the backs of your hands. Make sure you get those germies!”
  • As time goes on, let your child take the lead in singing the song and washing their hands on their own.


  • “What times of the day is it important to wash your hands?”

Not Quite Ready

Guide your child’s hands with your own as they scrub the soap.

Ready for More

Practice turning the water on and off, pumping soap, drying their hands, and anything else your child needs to learn to wash their hands independently.

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will learn how to wash their hands properly.

Time to Complete

10 minutes

Materials Needed

Soap and a sink

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