Tummy Time Art

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Your Child Will Learn

Strength, coordination, and sensory development through creative stimulation

Here’s What to Do

  1. Fill a ziploc bag with shaving cream and a few drops of one food coloring; the bag should be zipped tight and leak-proof
  2. If your child is developmentally ready, place them on their tummy with the bag in front of them
  3. Model touching the bag in different ways so the color spreads into the shaving cream 
  4. Move the bag close to your child’s hands so that they lift their neck, head, and arms to touch the bag

Put PEER Into Action


  • Smile and speak gently to direct your child’s attention to the bag


  • Poke the bag with your fingers, pat the bag with the palm of your hand, and rub it gently to model different ways for touching the bag
  • Repeat the name of the food coloring in the bag several times


  • Slide the bag from side to side in front of your child; wait to see if they will do the same
  • When your child touches or moves the bag smile and praise them 


  • Was your child able to touch the bag while holding their neck and head up?

Not Quite Ready

Start the activity with your child in your lap, holding the bag of colored shaving cream in front of them; then put your child on their tummy 

Ready for More

Put 2-3 bags of shaving cream with different colors in front of your child for this activity

As Your Child Masters This Skill

Their strength and coordination will increase over time 

Time to Complete

Tummy time increments of 1-5 minutes, depending on the child’s developmental level

Materials Needed

Ziploc bag, shaving cream, food coloring

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