Toy Patterns

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Your Child Will Learn

Introduction to patterns

Here’s What to Do

  1. With your child, gather two different types of small toys (like blocks and toy cars, or balls and stuffed animals). Sort them into 2 piles based on their types.
  2. Place them in an alternating pattern, repeating three times if possible (example: block, car / block, car / block, car)
  3. Say the pattern out loud, pointing to each object as you say it. Ask your child: “What comes next?” Add that object to the pattern, and check your child’s answer.
  4. Repeat with different objects.

Put PEER Into Action


  • Find a quiet place free from distractions


  • “Can you put all the blocks in one pile, and all the cars in another?”
  • “I’m going to make a pattern. I’ll put a block, then a car, then a block, then a car, then a block, then a car. What comes next?”


  • Let’s check it. “Block, car, block, car, car. Hmmm… does that sound right? Let’s say the pattern together and see if we can figure out what comes next.”
  • Patterns are a tricky concept for children this age. Your child will get the hang of it eventually!


  • Does your child seem to understand how to make a 2 object pattern?

Not Quite Ready

Practice sorting objects into categories.

Ready for More

Lay out another toy pattern in a line, then ask your child to match it in a new line of their own

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will know what comes next in a two-object pattern.

Time to Complete

10 minutes

Materials Needed

Two types of small toys (like blocks and toy cars, or balls and stuffed animals). You’ll need 4 of each type.

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