Today, Yesterday, & Tomorrow

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Your Child Will Learn

Sometimes we use the words today, yesterday, and tomorrow to describe days of the week

Here’s What to Do

  1. Add the words today, yesterday, and tomorrow to the caterpillar drawing from the Days of the Week activity card 
  2. Point to a day of the week and say “TODAY is…”
  3. Point to the day before and say “YESTERDAY was..”
  4. Point to the day after and say “TOMORROW will be..”

Put PEER Into Action


  • Relax, breathe, and say “let’s learn other ways to say the days of the week”


  • Have your child say the words today, yesterday, and tomorrow
  • Explain that today is current, yesterday is the past, and tomorrow is the future


  • Ask your child, “If today is Monday, what is tomorrow” while pointing to Tuesday
  • Ask your child “if today is Friday, what was yesterday” while pointing to Thursday


  • Ask your child, “What did we do today? What did we do yesterday? What will we do tomorrow”?

Not Quite Ready

Your child may confuse these words so introduce one at a time

Ready for More

Ask your child to explain what they did yesterday and what they will do today and tomorrow

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will know when to use the words today, yesterday, and tomorrow to describe a day of the week

Time to Complete

5-10 minutes

Materials Needed

Caterpillar drawing from the Days of the Week activity card

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