The Good Morning Song

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Your Child Will Learn

Listen to and repeat the words of a shared song

Here’s What to Do

  1. Pick a song to be your family’s “Good Morning Song.” Use one you know, look up “Good Morning Song” on the internet, or make up your own! Choose a song with rhyming words.
  2. Sing the song to your baby every morning. Make up simple motions to go along with the words, and repeat them every day. 
  3. Encourage your child to hum, sing along, clap, dance, or move while you sing together.
  4. After your child is familiar with the song, pause at the end of each line and encourage them to say the rhyming word.

Put PEER Into Action


  • Give your child a good morning hug!


  • Gently move your baby’s arms to match the movements you’re doing.
  • “Good morning, good morning, it’s going to be a wonderful …. (pause). What word goes there? Day! Yes!”


  • Compliment your child if they attempt to dance or sing along.
  • Some children won’t say/sing the rhyming words yet, and that’s okay! Emphasize the rhyming words when you sing, and sing the song every day, and eventually they’ll match you.


  • Ask your child, was that fun? Do we like the Good Morning Song? Should we sing it again?

Not Quite Ready

Sing the same Good Morning song every day and help me pay attention to the words and hand motions.

Ready for More

Ask your child if they can think of other words that rhyme with some of the words in the Good Morning Song.

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will repeat rhyming words and movements from a familiar song.

Time to Complete

5-10 minutes

Materials Needed


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