The Clothes We Wear

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Your Child Will Learn

Clothing is a creative form of expression

Here’s What to Do

  1. Cut up some fabric scraps or old clothes with bright and interesting colors and designs
  2. Ask your child to draw a self-portrait and have them use the fabric scraps to construct an outfit for the portrait
  3. Give your child scissors to cut different shapes or cut the shapes for them
  4. Use non-toxic glue to adhere the fabric scraps to the self-portrait

Put PEER Into Action


  • Ask your child to close their eyes and imagine that they are a clothing designer


  • List different types of clothing and ask your child which one(s) they will choose for their self-portrait
  • Ask your child what types of clothing they like to wear for different activities and to different places 


  • When cutting the fabric scraps, ask your child to describe the colors, shapes, and textures
  • Compliment and praise your child’s work


  • Was your child able to construct shapes that resembled familiar clothing types?

Not Quite Ready

Cut a few fabric scraps into typical clothing shapes to get your child started

Ready for More

Ask your child to create a specific outfit for a specific activity

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will learn to cut familiar shapes with growing precision

Time to Complete

20-30 minutes

Materials Needed

Paper, drawing materials, fabric scraps, scissors, glue

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