Your Child Will Learn
How to talk themselves through all the steps of a task.
Here’s What to Do
- Explain that sometimes when you’re trying to do a tricky task, you use “self-talk,” or saying the steps out loud to yourself in a quiet voice.
- Complete a simple task, like sorting laundry or putting away dishes, while modeling self-talk.
- Ask your child to complete a simple job, and narrate the job for them as they do it. Ask them to repeat words or phrases after you.
- Encourage your child to practice using self-talk throughout the day. Narrate the tasks for them until they begin doing it on their own. Some great times to use self-talk:
- Putting away their coat/backpack/lunch box/shoes after school
- Picking up toys and putting them away
- Putting on clothes
Put PEER Into Action
- Look into your child’s eyes and smile. Take 3 deep breaths together.
- “Sometimes when I’m doing the dishes or folding laundry, I talk in a very quiet voice to remember what to do next. That’s called self-talk.”
- “I’m putting away the dishes. First, I need to get all the plates and put them in a stack. Once I have all the plates, I’ll put them in the cabinet. Next, I’ll put away the silverware. Fork, spoon, spoon, knife…”
- Help model self-talk by narrating what your child is doing as they complete a task. Like: “Now you’re cleaning up your school stuff. The coat goes on the hook, so you’ll walk over to the coat rack and put it on the hook.”
- Encourage your child to repeat self-talk phrases after you as they complete a task. Like: “Shoes need to go under the bench. Can you say: shoes, bench?”
- “Do you think talking through the steps can help you remember what to do?”
Not Quite Ready
Model self-talk throughout the day so your child can begin to understand what it is and how you use it.
Ready for More
Ask your child to talk through an entire task out loud as they do it.
As Your Child Masters This Skill
They will be able to use self-talk to help them remember what to do.
Time to Complete
10 minutes
Materials Needed
Items to complete a simple task