Simon Says Stretch

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Your Child Will Learn

That stretching their muscles is a fun way to care for their body 

Here’s What to Do

  1. Gather a few family members or friends together and choose a family member to be the first leader (aka “Simon”) to start.  On your own? It’s fine to play that way too!
  2. The leader says “Simon Says…” and then the name of the stretch. “Simon” demonstrates the stretch, and the whole family has to copy them. Stretch ideas:
    1. Touch your toes
    2. Bend to the side
    3. Reach for the sky
    4. “Butterfly stretch” 
    5. Roll your head or shoulders
    6. Point and flex your feet
  3. To make the game harder, add a rule that nobody stretches unless the leader says “Simon Says” before their command. If you move, you’re out!
  4. Repeat and take turns being Simon!

Put PEER Into Action


  • Choose some fun music to move to and spread out so everyone has space to stretch.  Great!  You’re ready to start!


  • “The leader is going to be called ‘Simon’ and the leader has to show us some stretches that we’ll match. I’ll go first so we can learn how to do it. Then we can take turns being Simon.”
  • “Simon says stretch your calf muscle. Simon says touch your toes. Reach for the sky! Oops, I didn’t say ‘Simon says’ that time, you’re out!”


  • “Let me help you match Simon’s stretch. Try it like this!”
  • “It feels good to stretch the back of my legs. Do you feel a stretch anywhere in your body?”


  • How do our bodies feel after this game? When might be some good times to stretch?

Not Quite Ready

Pick one stretch to practice in the morning when you wake up and another to practice at night. Change the stretches every day.

Ready for More

Look up some yoga stretches online and play the game with those poses.

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will understand that stretching feels good and helps take care of their bodies, and they will learn the names of some stretches and how to do them.

Time to Complete

10-15 minutes

Materials Needed

None (optional music player)

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