Your Child Will Learn
Use simple words to form sentences with words in the proper order
Here’s What to Do
- Create a variety of word strips by writing simple nouns, pronouns, verbs, and adjectives on small strips of paper that can be sequenced to create short sentences (be sure to include words such as a, an, and, the, to, for, it)
- Fill a large bowl with rice, beans, or seeds and bury the word strips inside
- Have your child search the bowl for the word strips, pull them out, and lay them on a table
- Work together to form sentences with the word strips in proper order
Put PEER Into Action
- Take a deep breath, stretch, and smile!
- Refer to your child as a “sentence hunter” while doing this activity
- Ask your child, “what sentences can we make with these word strips”?
- Ask your child to say the sounds of letters in words they don’t know
- Tell your child to form sentences with missing words until they find all the words they need
- Ask your child, “if we do this activity again, what are some other words we should put inside the bowl”?
Not Quite Ready
Use a smaller bowl with less word strips
Ready for More
Add more complex words and punctuation strips
As Your Child Masters This Skill
They will recognize and be able to read or say complete sentences in the proper order
Time to Complete
10-15 minutes
Materials Needed
Large bowl, rice/beans/seeds, small strips of paper, scissors, pencil