Robot Directions

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Your Child Will Learn

Positional words and spatial awareness

Here’s What to Do

  1. Choose a goal that you will direct your child, “the robot,” to reach.
  2. Give your child a series of directions to help them get to the goal. Tell them one “move” at a time.
  3. Next, it’s your turn to be the robot! Ask your child to give you directions, and follow them exactly (even if the directions move you away from the goal).
  4. Celebrate with a robot dance party!

Put PEER Into Action


  • Show off your best robot dance moves before you begin.


  • “Robot, take 3 steps forward. That is correct, robot! Next, take 5 hops to the right.”
  • “(robot voice) Beep boop beep, robot is moving forward 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 steps.”


  • “Hmmm… you told me to go left, but now I’m farther away from the goal. Which way should I go now to be closer?”
  • Know that it’s common for children this age to struggle with the difference between “right” and “left.” Say: “That’s okay that you went the wrong way. That’s how you start to learn right from left!”


  • Was it more fun to be the robot or the robot controller?

Not Quite Ready

Have your child continue to be the robot (rather than giving you directions).

Ready for More

Choose a goal that requires more complex directions.

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will be able to more accurately follow and give directions that use positional words.

Time to Complete

10 minutes

Materials Needed


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