
Found 313 Results | Page 7 of 32

Map My Day

Your Child Will Learn Map making and how to get places they need to go Here’s What to Do Put […]

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My Favorite Place

Your Child Will Learn How to explore their environment and learn about a place in their community. Here’s What to […]

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World Dance Party

Your Child Will Learn People around the world enjoy special music from their cultures, and dancing to that music is […]

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Heritage Tree Leaf

Your Child Will Learn About their family and their family’s culture and traditions Here’s What to Do Put PEER Into […]

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Hand Tracing

Your Child Will Learn The shape of our hands can be used to make creative art Here’s What to Do […]

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Dance Together

Your Child Will Learn Moving your body to music is called dancing Here’s What to Do Put PEER Into Action […]

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Make Your Own Sound Shaker

Your Child Will Learn Shaking a hollow object with many small parts inside can make sounds  Here’s What to Do […]

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Natural Mosaic Moods

Your Child Will Learn Mosaic art is an image made of smaller pieces Here’s What to Do Put PEER Into […]

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Paint to Music

Your Child Will Learn The beats and rhythms heard in music can inspire how we paint Here’s What to Do […]

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Paint Your Feelings

Your Child Will Learn Colors can represent how we feel  Here’s What to Do Put PEER Into Action PAUSE ENGAGE […]

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