Relax My Body

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Your Child Will Learn

A relaxation technique to prepare for sleep

Here’s What to Do

  1. Before bed, ask your child to choose a magical creature (fairy, dragon, unicorn, etc.) and a color.
  2. Starting with their face, use your palm to trace the path of an imaginary ball of light the creature has zoomed inside their bodies. Name each body part as you touch it, helping your child to relax their muscles.
  3. After you’ve traced their body, invite your child to imagine the light escaping into their room, house, city, town, and universe.
  4. Repeat each night before bed.

Put PEER Into Action


  • Have your child lie down on their bed and get comfortable.


  • “There’s a fairy here to give you a relaxing sleepy spell. She just sent a ball of pink light in through your ear! The pink light is inside your head. Now it’s going down your arm through your shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, and fingers.”
  • “Now imagine the pink ball of light is so strong it’s making your room glow pink. Now the whole building is pink. Now our town is pink. Now our country is pink. Now the Earth is pink. Now the whole solar system is glowing with pink light!”


  • Your child may have an easier time imagining the ball of light if their eyes are closed.
  • “Imagine the light is where my hand is touching. Can you relax your muscles where my hand is?”


  • Did this exercise help your child transition to sleep?

Not Quite Ready

If your child has difficulty staying still through the whole exercise, practice just doing a few body parts at a time.

Ready for More

Complete the exercise verbally, without tracing the ‘light’ with your hand.

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will be able to use this exercise to feel ready for sleep

Time to Complete

5 minutes

Materials Needed


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