Your Child Will Learn
When more or less force is needed to move an object
Here’s What to Do
- Gather a laundry basket/cardboard box and objects of different weights to put inside (books, cans, water bottles, toys, shoes, etc.).
- Ask your child if they think the basket will be easy or hard to push when it’s empty. Have them push the basket, and ask if it was easy or hard to push.
- Then, add different objects. Ask if they think they will be easy or hard to push. Invite your child to push the basket to find out.
- Ask them to observe which objects were easier or harder to push in the basket. When did the basket need more force to move?
Put PEER Into Action
- Stand together in front of a mirror and “show your strong muscles” in the mirror.
- “Do you think this laundry basket will be easy or hard to push? What about if we put 1 book in it? What about if we put 5 books in it?”
- “What happened when you tried to push the full basket? Did you have to use a big force to move it?”
- Encourage your child to try different combinations of objects in the basket.
- Prompt your child to use descriptive words like faster/slower, heavier/lighter, easier/harder.
- Prompt your child to make conclusions by asking questions like: “Why do you think you couldn’t move the box when all the books were inside?”
Not Quite Ready
Describe the motion of the laundry basket as “fast” and “slow” instead of focusing on the effort required to move it.
Ready for More
Ask your child to experiment with easier ways to move the laundry basket (i.e. could they put it on a rolling chair instead of pushing across the floor?)
As Your Child Masters This Skill
They will understand the relationship between weight of objects and the force needed to move them.
Time to Complete
15 minutes
Materials Needed
Laundry basket or large cardboard box, heavy and light items to put inside laundry basket (books, cans, water bottles, toys, shoes)