Photo Puzzle

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Your Child Will Learn

Here’s What to Do

  1. Print a photo of your child in as a 5×7 or 8x 10
  2. Cut the photo into strips or geometric shapes to create a puzzle of no more than 10 pieces
  3. Work with your child to put the photo back together

Put PEER Into Action


  • Smile at your child and admire their photo


  • Suggest connecting the corners and edges of the puzzle first 
  • Help your child group similar puzzle pieces of the photo


  • Puzzles can be tricky and frustrating for young children, so give clues as needed
  • Compliment and praise your child’s ability to reason


  • Once the puzzle is complete, ask your child to explain the process

Not Quite Ready

Cut the picture into bigger strips or shapes of 6 pieces or less 

Ready for More

Have your child create their own puzzle using a picture that they draw themselves

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will develop memory and problem-solving skills

Time to Complete

10-20 minutes

Materials Needed

Printed photo, scissors

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