People Parts

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Your Child Will Learn

Names of body parts

Here’s What to Do

  1. Tell your child you’re going to play a game called People Parts!
  2. One at a time, ask your child to point to different body parts on their body. Ask them to find the same part on your body.
  3. Start with familiar ones (like: feet, hand, nose) and then add others your child might not yet know (ankle, hip, wrist, eyelashes, fingernails). Add new body parts each time you play this game to stretch your child’s body part vocabulary!
  4. Celebrate by “high fiving” with whatever body part your child found (if possible).

Put PEER Into Action


  • Find a spot free of distraction and settle in together to focus on your game..


  • “Where’s your ear? Where’s Mommy’s ear?”
  • “Do you know where your wrist is?”


  • “Oops! That’s your elbow. Your knee is the one that helps your legs bend.”
  • “That’s right, that’s your hip and this is my hip. Let’s do a hip-high-five!”


  • Ask your child all the ways they use parts of their bodies, like “what do you do with your hands?”

Not Quite Ready

Play this game with facial features (eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hair).

Ready for More

Point to one of your child’s body parts and ask them to say its name.

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will know more and more words to describe parts of their body.

Time to Complete

10 minutes

Materials Needed


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