Pattern Play

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Your Child Will Learn

How to complete a complex pattern

Here’s What to Do

  1. Gather around 15 small objects in 3 different colors or sizes  (like 3 colors of blocks, 3 sizes of paper clips, 3 types of coins)
  2. Arrange them in a pattern like these:
    1. Red, red, green, green / red, red, green, green (“AABB” pattern)
    2. Small, big, big / small, big, big (“ABB” pattern)
    3. Yellow, yellow, red / yellow, yellow, red (“AAB” pattern)
  3. Say the pattern out loud, pointing to each object as you go. Ask your child “What comes next?” and have them add the object to the pattern.
  4. Ask your child to keep making the pattern longer. Repeat with a different pattern or different objects.

Put PEER Into Action


  • Take a deep breath in and out with your child.


  • “What is the next object in the pattern?”
  • “Can you add more objects in the right order to make the pattern longer?”


  • “Hmmm… Let’s check that pattern. (say it out loud again) Does that seem right?”
  • If your child is stuck, it can be helpful for them to hear the pattern out loud again. Say “Red, red, green, green. Red, red, green, green. What comes next?”


  • What other kinds of things make patterns? (like: dance moves, musical notes, designs on clothing, etc.)

Not Quite Ready

Make a simple alternating pattern with 2-3 objects (like ABAB or ABCABC)

Ready for More

Ask your child to create their own pattern and practice making it longer

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will be able to accurately extend complex patterns.

Time to Complete

10 minutes

Materials Needed

15 small objects in 3 different colors or sizes  (like 3 colors of blocks, 3 sizes of paper clips, 3 types of coins)

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