Paper Plate Mask

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Your Child Will Learn

Use art and imagination to create a mask

Here’s What to Do

  1. Use a paper plate to create a mask for your child to decorate 
  2. Fold a paper plate in half and use scissors to cut any shape for a mouth
  3. Open the paper plate and poke two holes for the eyes; use scissors to cut the holes into any shape
  4. Give your child drawing and coloring materials like crayons, markers, or paint to create a mask around the eyes and mouth

Put PEER Into Action


  • Sit close to your child in a distraction-free environment for this activity


  • After cutting the eyes and mouth, hold the paper plate over your face for a playful game of peekaboo
  • Say to your child, “let’s use our imagination to make a mask, what should we put on it”?


  • Ask your child to describe the colors and shapes they use to decorate their mask
  • Compliment and praise your child’s artistic choices


  • What marks or drawings was your child able to make on the mast?

Not Quite Ready

Create your own mask while your child creates theirs and ask them for ideas

Ready for More

Ask your child to create a mask that resembles an animal or character

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will show an interest in creating artwork that expresses ideas and imagination

Time to Complete

5-10 minutes

Materials Needed

Paper plate, scissors, drawing and coloring materials like crayons, markers, or paint 

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