My Favorite Place

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Your Child Will Learn

To explore a place in their community

Here’s What to Do

  1. Take your child to a favorite place in your community.
  2. Give them a tour and describe all the things you like about that place. If appropriate, let them walk around and explore what interests them.
  3. Take photos of your child exploring the place. Or, make a few simple drawings of them in the place.
  4. When you return home, show them the photos and drawings. Talk about where you went.

Put PEER Into Action


  • Give your child a hug before entering the place.


  • “This is one of my favorite places, the bakery. Here’s the display of all the things you can buy, muffins, cookies, bread.”
  • “Look at this picture of you going down the slide in the park. I love seeing you have fun in the park!”


  • Build on the sounds your child makes. Like: “Puh-puh, yes, there’s a puppy in the park! Great noticing!”
  • Your child will enjoy exploring a new place through all their senses. Let them touch, smell, and taste things whenever safe and possible.


  • Tell your child: “It made me so happy to share my favorite place with you!”

Not Quite Ready

For babies who aren’t mobile, see if you can bring the exploration to them. Gather items from your favorite place and help them look, listen, touch, smell, and taste them.

Ready for More

Encourage your child to make a drawing of the place to help them remember. 

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will explore their environment and get to know a place in their community

Time to Complete

30 minutes

Materials Needed


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