My Cultural Traditions

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Your Child Will Learn

A cultural group is a set of people who do similar things called customs and traditions 

Here’s What to Do

  1. Identify the cultural groups that your child belongs to 
  2. Explain to your child that a cultural group is a set of people who do similar things called customs and traditions
  3. Create an experience for your child to learn about their customs and traditions by viewing and/or handling cultural artifacts, such as photographs, foods, music, art, clothing, dolls, symbolic objects, books, special toys, and etc.
  4. Ask your child to draw a self-portrait with the cultural artifact you shared

Put PEER Into Action


  • Get on eye-level with your child and sit close to them before starting this activity.


  • Share a personal experience or story about the cultural artifact
  • Answer your child’s questions or curiosities about the artifact 


  • Allow your child to handle the artifact and ask them to describe the colors, shapes, textures, smell, taste, etc.
  • Compliment and praise your child’s self-portrait with the artifact


  • How did your child react to the cultural artifact and how can you extend this learning?

Not Quite Ready

Read a children’s book with a main idea or content that highlights and celebrates your child’s cultural traditions

Ready for More

Plan a visit for your child to experience a display, presentation, celebration, or performance that is related to their cultural traditions

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will be able to identify their own cultural traditions and recognize how this may differ for others 

Time to Complete

10-20 minutes

Materials Needed

Paper, drawing and coloring materials like pencils, markers, crayons, and colored pencils

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