Move Like an Animal

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Your Child Will Learn

A fun way to move their body and build physical endurance

Here’s What to Do

  1. Gather everyone in the family who wants to play. Ask a child to choose an animal whose movement you could copy. Everyone has to move a certain distance (down a hallway, a lap around the swingset, etc.) doing that animal’s move. Examples:
    1. Slow sloth moving
    2. Swing your elephant trunk
    3. A frog hop
    4. A kangaroo jump
    5. Crab walk
    6. Bear crawl
    7. Bird or butterfly arms
    8. Slither on the ground like a snake
    9. “Swim” like a dolphin or fish
  2. Let each family member do their best version of that animal’s move. Vote on whose move was the best! You could give bonus points for any great animal noises or acting.
  3. Let someone else in the family choose the next animal for everyone to copy.
  4. Keep going until you’re tired!

Put PEER Into Action


  • Warm up before you move. Swing your arms in circles, roll your head around in circles, and twist from side to side. 


  • “We’re going to move like an animal from here to the couch. I’ll go first, let’s all… walk like an elephant!”
  • “Ana, can you choose the next animal? Can you think of a way to move like an animal?”


  • “I’m voting for Gabriela because I loved how hard she was working to slither like a snake.”
  • “You’re right, it is super tiring hopping like a frog. It’s good for all of us though because it’s making our muscles stronger!”


  • How do our bodies feel after moving like animals? 

Not Quite Ready

Children can copy more familiar animals like dogs and cats.

Ready for More

See if your child can travel longer distances doing the animal’s move.

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will notice that they’re having fun moving their bodies even if the movements are challenging.

Time to Complete

15 minutes

Materials Needed


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