Mindful Breaths

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Your Child Will Learn

Fun breathing techniques to help your child feel calm

Here’s What to Do

  1. Practice a flower breath
    • Imagine smelling a beautiful flower: take a deep breath in
    • Imagine blowing away dandelion seeds: blow slowly out through the mouth
  2. Practice a snake breath
    • Breathe in through the mouth with a deep slow inhale
    • Release breath with a “hissing” sound, taking as long as possible
  3. Practice a bunny breath
    • Pretend to be a bunny sniffing carrots: take 3 quick “sniffs” in through the nose
    • Take 1 long exhale out through the nose
  4. Practice all the breaths nightly before bed. Once your child is comfortable with the breaths, try using them throughout the day:
    • Flower breath: when your child needs to focus
    • Snake breath: when your child needs to slow down mentally and physically
    • Bunny breath: when your child is crying and needs help finding their breath

Put PEER Into Action


  • Find a quiet spot and find a comfortable breathing posture- not slumped but not too upright either.


  • “We’re going to practice some special breaths that can help you throughout the day. They’re really fun too!”
  • “Can you take 3 bunny sniffs in through your nose- 1, 2, 3- and then a long breath out through your nose? Great, let’s try it again!”


  • “Can you try making your exhale, when you blow air out, as slow and long as possible? I know it’s so tricky!”
  • “It looks like you’re feeling really upset and you can’t slow down your breathing. Can you try doing a bunny breath with me?”


  • “How do the breaths change how your body and mind feel?”

Not Quite Ready

Try simple belly breathing- lie on your backs and feel your belly going up and down as you take deep breaths.

Ready for More

Invite your child to create their own breath based on their favorite animal.

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will be able to apply the different breaths throughout the day (when prompted by an adult.)

Time to Complete

10 minutes

Materials Needed


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