Meet A Community Helper

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Your Child Will Learn

The jobs of some people help and serve our community 

Here’s What to Do

  1. Plan and arrange an experience for your child to meet a professional whose work helps or serves the community, like a police officer, firefighter, nurse, doctor, dentist, banker, shopkeeper, librarian, farmer, hair stylist, barber, and etc.
  2. Plan for this experience to take place at the person’s job so your child can see exactly what they do, ask questions, and have a hands-on experience
  3. Take pictures of your child while they are meeting with the community helper
  4. Ask your child to draw a picture of something they learned or enjoyed during this experience 

Put PEER Into Action


  • Discuss safety and behavioral expectations before you and your child visit the workplace of the community helper


  • Say to your child, “we are going to meet [community helper’s name], what are you excited to see”?
  • Ask the community helper in advance to gather some tools or equipment that is safe for your child to touch or operate with adult supervision 


  • Ask your child, “what do you like about this job”?
  • Compliment and praise your child when you see positive interactions between them and the community helper


  • Ask your child, “what kind of job would you like to do when you grow up”?

Not Quite Ready

Choose a community job that your child is already familiar with  

Ready for More

Ask your child what community helper they might want to be and read children’s books about this job or career 

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will be able to describe the job, task, and tools of the community helper  

Time to Complete

30 min – 1 hr

Materials Needed

Paper, crayons, pencils

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