Make Your Own Sound Shaker

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Your Child Will Learn

Shaking a hollow object with many small parts inside can make sounds 

Here’s What to Do

  1. Halfway fill 3-4 small clear plastic bottles with different smaller objects like rice, corn kernels, dry beans, dry seeds, nuts, cereal, dry pasta, etc.
  2. Make sure the top of the bottle is tightly secured by wrapping a few layers of durable tape around it
  3. Place the bottles in front of your baby, then model shaking one bottle at a time
  4. When your baby grabs a bottle and shakes it, mimic their movement with another bottle

Put PEER Into Action


  • Get on eye-level with your baby for this activity 


  • Melodically and softly shake the bottles close to your baby’s ear
  • Count, sing, or say a rhyme while the shaking the bottles


  • Your baby may not shake the bottles right away, so give them time to handle and observe the bottles
  • When your baby shakes the bottles say “that’s right, shake it again”!


  • What was your baby’s reaction to this activity?

Not Quite Ready

Place your baby in your lap, holding and shaking the bottles until they independently grasp and shake the bottles on their own

Ready for More

Play music while doing this activity to see if your baby will shake the bottles in rhythmic ways 

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will grasp and move different objects to hear the sounds they make 

Time to Complete

10 minutes

Materials Needed

Small clear plastic bottles, durable tape, small objects (rice, corn kernels, dry beans, dry seeds, nuts, cereal, etc.)

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