Letter Blend Bingo

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Your Child Will Learn

Words have letter blends in the beginning, middle, or end of them

Here’s What to Do

  1. Use the Letter Blend Bingo page and word cards to play this game
  2. Explain to your child that you will hold up a card with a written word and say its name
  3. Tell your child to circle the letter blend on their bingo page if they see it in the beginning, middle, or end of the word
  4. For Example: hold up the card with the word “spot.”  Help your child find sp on their bingo card

Put PEER Into Action


  • Sit in a place free from distractions.  Tell your child to open their detective eyes and turn on their listening ears.


  • Be excited and expressive when saying the words and sound blends
  • Tell your child to say bingo out loud when they fill a whole row and offer small prizes for winning


  • When holding up the word cards, ask your child “what letters do you see in this word” and “now do you see two of these letters together on your bingo page”
  • If your child doesn’t know the word on the card, give an example or explain its definition


  • Ask your child what they enjoyed about the game and what parts were easy or tricky 

Not Quite Ready

Let your child call the word cards first while you play the bingo card to help them understand the game

Ready for More

Add words with multiple letters blends in them like clasp (cl- and -sp) or thump (th- and -mp)

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will understand that letter blends represent a sequence of spoken sounds in words.

Time to Complete

20-30 minutes

Materials Needed

Letter Blend Bingo page, word cards, pencil

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