Helping You Dress Me

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Your Child Will Learn

How to be helpful when you’re getting me dressed; names of body parts and clothing items

Here’s What to Do

  1. Dress or undress me slowly when you’re not in a hurry. Give me opportunities for me to “help.” For example, hold out the armhole of my shirt and wait until I stick my arm out.
  2. Help me learn the names of body parts and clothes by talking about what you’re doing.
  3. Repeat daily if possible. Encourage me to participate a little more each time, like asking me to pull my shirt down or sticking my arms into sleeves.

Put PEER Into Action


  • Say, “Time to get dressed/undressed!” with a big smile.


  • “Time for socks. Give me your foot.”
  • “Help me put your shirt on. Great, you’re putting your arm through the sleeve!”


  • Praise all of my “helping” efforts, like: “Thank you for putting your legs up. That’s such a big help to Daddy!”
  • If I get wiggly during dressing, make it into a game. Play “peek-a-boo” when I reappear after having a shirt pulled over my head.


  • What body parts do I seem to know or not know?

Not Quite Ready

Keep giving me opportunities to “help” when I’m getting dressed. Over time, I’ll learn what to do.

Ready for More

Encourage me to remove a hat or socks by myself.

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will begin to anticipate what they need to do when getting dressed.

Time to Complete

10 minutes

Materials Needed


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