Happiness Boost Cards

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Your Child Will Learn

A way to add a little more joy into their daily routine

Here’s What to Do

  1. Together with your child, brainstorm some very short activities that make them happy. Some examples:
    • Give a hug
    • Smile big
    • Jump up to the sky
    • Take a deep breath
    • Tell someone you love them
    • (whatever you come up with!)
  2. Use index cards or cut a piece of paper into smaller pieces. Write the label for each happiness activity for your child. 
  3. Ask your child to draw a picture that represents each activity.
  4. Place your cards somewhere convenient to your child’s morning or evening routine. Every morning or evening, choose a card and perform a quick happiness boost!

Put PEER Into Action


  • Give each other a hug, an example of a happiness boost!


  • “What are some things that make you happy?”
  • “You’re almost done your morning routine, time for a happiness boost before you head to school! Let’s do one of your cards now.”


  • “I can help give you some ideas. One thing that always makes me happy is dancing. Does dancing make you happy?”
  • “Where should we put the cards so we remember to do one every single day?”


  • How do we like adding a happiness boost to your routine? How do they make you feel?

Not Quite Ready

Make 2-3 happiness cards at first, and make more if your child needs more variety.

Ready for More

Encourage your child to write the card labels themselves (or copy an example label).

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will build a small moment of joy into their daily routine

Time to Complete

20 minutes

Materials Needed

Index cards or paper, drawing materials

Survey: Tell us what you think!

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