Freeze Dance

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Your Child Will Learn

A fun way to engage in physical activity

Here’s What to Do

  1. Play this game with as many children and adults as you’d like! Choose who is going to be the DJ (the music controller) to start. Explain the rules to your child(ren). 
  2. Pick what music you want to dance to, and press play. When the DJ pauses the music, everyone else has to stop dancing. If anyone wiggles past the end of the music, they’re out. (or, if you’re only playing with one child, you can switch and have them become the DJ)
  3. Continue playing and pausing the music until there’s only one dancer left. The last dancer left wins that round.
  4. Keep playing until you get tired! If you’d like, you can take turns letting different people be the DJ.

Put PEER Into Action


  • Slowly stretch and reach for the sky, and down to the floor before you begin!


  • “When the music stops, you need to stop. Can you listen super carefully? Okay, start dancing!”
  • “This music is very slow so I’m going to move slowly and gracefully. How are you going to dance?”


  • “I love your moves! You look like you’re having so much fun moving your body!”
  • “No worries, you’re out this time but we’re going to keep playing so you’ll have another turn.”


  • How do we all feel after playing Freeze Dance? What mood are we in? How do our bodies feel?

Not Quite Ready

Younger kids can just join in the dance party and not worry about playing the game 

Ready for More

Another fun variation of this game is to combine it with tag- when the music stops whoever is “it” tags the person closest to them.

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will understand that dancing is a way to move their body and feel good

Time to Complete

15 minutes

Materials Needed

A way to play music (like a phone)

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