Drawing a Line

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Your Child Will Learn

How to use writing utensils and draw a line.

Here’s What to Do

  1. Tape a piece of paper to the table and let me explore making marks with crayons.
  2. Make a vertical line on the paper while I watch. Ask me to make the same line next to yours.
  3. Keep making vertical lines for me to copy in different colors.
  4. If I’m able to copy a vertical line, help me practice imitating a circular scribble (making continuous circles). If I can make circular scribbles, help me imitate a horizontal line, X shape, or a circle.

Put PEER Into Action


  • Set up art supplies in a space without distractions.


  • “Look, I’m going to make a line that goes down like this. Can you make the same line next to mine?”
  • Make fun sounds like “zoom” or “zip” as we draw lines.


  • My line might not look exactly like yours- it might be diagonal or wiggly. That’s expected as I’m first learning.
  • If I’m having a hard time drawing the line, gently place your hand over mine and guide me.


  • Was I able to draw a vertical line? Does it seem like I need more practice with crayons first?

Not Quite Ready

Let me practice scribbling freely. This will help prepare me for making lines and other shapes.

Ready for More

Help me practice writing the uppercase letters in my name.

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will be able to draw a vertical line after an adult demonstrates what to do. Older children may be able to copy other lines and shapes.

Time to Complete

5-10 minutes

Materials Needed

Pape, tape, and crayons

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