Doll Routines

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Your Child Will Learn

A game to help make them excited about personal hygiene routines 

Here’s What to Do

  1. Ask your child to choose a favorite doll or stuffed animal
  2. As you go through your morning or evening routine, ask your child for help performing each step on the doll.
  3. Then, do the corresponding step with your child.
  4. If your child responds well to this game, try repeating it until their routines are well established.

Put PEER Into Action


  • “Dolly needs our help getting ready for school! Can you help dolly?”


  • “First, we need to brush Bear’s teeth. Can you help? Yay! Now we’ll show Bear how we brush your teeth.”
  • “Can you find some pajamas for Piggy?” 


  • “Wow, you did such a great job showing Bear how you brush your teeth!”
  • “Piggy needs a pajama shirt and pajama pants. They’re in this drawer. Do you think you can find some pajamas for Piggy by yourself?”


  • Did this game help your child’s hygiene routines go more smoothly? If yes, maybe try incorporating it into their routine regularly.

Not Quite Ready

Use the doll or stuffed animal to help with one tricky part of the routine, like tooth brushing.

Ready for More

See if your child can remember more parts of the routine without prompting, or do any parts of the routine more independently.

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will understand that they need to do certain things every day to help take care of their bodies.

Time to Complete

15-30 minutes

Materials Needed

A doll or stuffed animal

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