Dance Together

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Your Child Will Learn

Moving your body to music is called dancing

Here’s What to Do

  1. Clear an open space for you and your child to dance together
  2. Play lively music that your child will enjoy 
  3. Perform simple movements and dances that your child can mimic
  4. Be sure to mimic your child’s movements and dances too 

Put PEER Into Action


  • Stretch your bodies, smile, and laugh during this activity


  • Say to your child, “let’s move our arms and feet to the beat”
  • Model clapping your hands and snapping your fingers to the music 


  • Compliment your child’s movements and dances
  • Say to your child, “I like that dance move, can you show me again”? 


  • Ask your child, “how does dancing make you feel”?

Not Quite Ready

Sit your child on your lap while moving and dancing to the music 

Ready for More

Play different types of music with a variety of instruments and different sounds 

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will show in interest in moving their body to music and learning dances

Time to Complete

5-10 minutes

Materials Needed

Music, device to play music

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