Create A How-To Book

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Your Child Will Learn

I know how to do tasks in a specific order and I can teach this to others

Here’s What to Do

  1. Ask your child to think of a daily task they know how to do well, like washing their hands or preparing their favorite snack  
  2. Ask your your child to explain how they perform this task in 3-4 steps
  3. Have your child draw pictures to represent each step and write words under the pictures to describe what happens during each step  
  4. Put the pictures in order as a booklet and staple the top left corner

Put PEER Into Action


  • Smile and say “let’s use your knowledge to make a how-to book”


  • Ask your child, what is the first step? What comes next? Then what? What is the final step?
  • Ask your child to explain why it’s important to know how to do this task 


  • Ask your child, “what is the easiest step of the task”?
  • Ask your child, “what is the hardest step of the task”?


  • What are some other tasks that your child is learning and how can you help them get better at completing this task?

Not Quite Ready

Use numbers to label each step of the task so your child can understand the order 

Ready for More

Check out some non-fiction children’s books that explain and illustrate how to task like following a recipe or performing a science experiment 

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will demonstrate an understanding that tasks are completed in a sequential order  

Time to Complete

10-20 minutes

Materials Needed

Paper, stapler, drawing and coloring materials such as crayons, markers, or colored pencils

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