Contrast Pictures

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Your Child Will Learn

Perception of contrasting pictures

Here’s What to Do

  1. Create contrasting pairs of simple shapes on white paper with a black marker 
  2. For one shape, only draw the outline
  3. For the matching shape, color the inside 
  4. Hold up both shapes for your baby to see at the same time

Put PEER Into Action


  • Lay your baby on their back or do this activity while they sit in your lap


  • Say the names of the shapes for your baby
  • Allow your baby to touch or hold the contrast pictures


  • Use a cheerful voice 
  • Smile at your baby


  • Did your baby reach for or grab the pictures?

Not Quite Ready

Show one shape at a time for a few rounds before you show both both shapes together

Ready for More

Create contrasting patterns or more detailed pictures

As Your Child Masters This Skill

Their eyes will develop to focus on objects and details

Time to Complete

5 minutes

Materials Needed

White paper, black marker

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