Clean Up Claps

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Your Child Will Learn

To put away their things where they belong

Here’s What to Do

  1. Show your child where their things should go when they come home from school.
  2. Together, decide on a clapping rhythm that can be a part of your clean up song. (Borrow a beat from a song you know or search “hand clap games” on the Internet)
  3. Slowly chant your Clean Up Claps rhythm while helping your child put things in the right spot. Like this:
    • Your shoes go here (clap, clap, clap). Your shoes go here (clap, clap, clap). [repeat until their shoes are in the right spot]
    • Repeat for each item they’re putting away.
    • End with “I cleaned up my things (clap, clap, clap)!”
  4. Repeat the song daily. Celebrate when your child puts everything away correctly!

Put PEER Into Action


  • “We just got home from school, let’s re-focus by taking three deep breaths together.”


  • “Let’s practice putting things away where they belong. Can you show me where you think your jacket goes?” 
  • “Let’s try doing our clean up claps chant. I’ll say the words, and you put everything away in the matching spot.”


  • “Do you think you could try clapping along with me? Let’s practice the rhythm until you’ve got it.”
  • “Oops! Your backpack actually goes on this hook here. That’s okay, let’s try it again!”


  • “Can we practice this chant every day until you know how to do it all by yourself?”

Not Quite Ready

Just give your child one simple job and build from there.

Ready for More

Once your child masters the chant, encourage them to complete it independently as soon as you return home.

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will feel proud that they are helping take care of their things

Time to Complete

20 minutes

Materials Needed

Your child’s belongings that need putting away

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