Character Portrait

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Your Child Will Learn

Create a painting for a favorite book character

Here’s What to Do

  1. Give your child paint and paper to create a portrait of their favorite book character
  2. Ask your child to paint the character’s face and body
  3. Ask your child to paint the character in a setting from the book

Put PEER Into Action


  • Show your child the supplies you have gathered to get excited about doing this activity together


  • Look through the book with your child for ideas
  • Ask your child what colors, lines, and shapes they will use to create their character portrait


  • Say that portraits don’t have to be an exact copy of the character
  • Compliment and praise features of your child’s painting


  • Ask your child to explain how they created their character portrait

Not Quite Ready


Ready for More

Have your child paint a portrait for another character in the same book

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will create portraits of other characters they admire and enjoy

Time to Complete

10-20 minutes

Materials Needed

Paper, paint, paint brush

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