Category: Some mess

  • Days of the Week

    Your Child Will Learn

    Each day has a name and the days of the week have a specific order

    Here’s What to Do

    1. On a large sheet of paper, draw a caterpillar with eight connected circles 
    2. Draw a smiley face
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  • Family Recipes

    Your Child Will Learn

    Families pass down recipes for memories and special occasions

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Think of a family recipe that is connected to a memory or special occasion
    2. Share how you learned the recipe, who taught it
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  • Family Yard Sale

    Your Child Will Learn

    People earn money by selling goods 

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Work together as a family to plan and gather household items to sell at a family yard sale
    2. Have your children create price tags and design
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  • Story Parts

    Your Child Will Learn

    How to identify the main character, beginning, and end of a story.

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Read a book with your child.
    2. At the end of the story, ask your child who the main character was.      
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  • Building Fun

    Your Child Will Learn

    How to use different materials to build a structure

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Gather building materials from around the house (cereal boxes, cans, plastic containers, straws, egg cartons, paper towel tubes, etc.).
    2. Place the materials on
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  • Dramatic Play

    Your Child Will Learn

    How to express themselves and apply learning through play

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Invite your child(ren) to play pretend with you. Decide what you’d like to play together. Some ideas:
      • Use your kitchen table to play
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  • Say and Make Drawings

    Your Child Will Learn

    To participate in shared storytelling.

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Gather drawing and coloring materials and a large sheet of paper.
    2. Remember something that you did with your child recently. You’ll create a drawing about the event
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  • Wash My Hands

    Your Child Will Learn

    A fun way to wash their hands

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Sing “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” with your child (if unfamiliar, search the song on the Internet).
    2. Teach your child new words to sing while
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  • Prep Ahead Outfit

    Your Child Will Learn

    How to plan ahead to make their morning routine easier

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Invite your child to choose their clothes for the next day.
    2. Find a spot where your child can put their outfit each
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  • My Word Box

    Your Child Will Learn

    Sequence words to make complete sentences

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Give your child a small box with a lid or cover that they can decorate and tell them the box will hold new words they learn
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