Category: Some mess

  • Sock Puppet Play

    Your Child Will Learn

    Create a puppet with art materials

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Give your child an old sock and color markers to create a sock puppet
    2. While your child is working, create your own sock puppet alongside them 
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  • Torn Paper Collage

    Your Child Will Learn

    Tear paper to create an artistic collage

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Give your child 5-6 strips of colored paper
    2. Demonstrate tearing the strips into smaller pieces
    3. Give your child paper and glue to create a collage
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  • Cut Paper Collage

    Your Child Will Learn

    Cut paper with scissors to create an artistic collage

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Give your child 5-6 strips of colored paper
    2. Discuss and model the safe use of scissors
    3. Demonstrate using the scissors to cut the
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  • Paint A Cityscape

    Your Child Will Learn

    Use art materials and imagination to create a city

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Collect recycled cardboard 
    2. Flatten the cardboard and tape a few pieces side-by-side to construct a long surface
    3. Give your child paint to create
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  • Dot Painting

    Your Child Will Learn

    A big picture can be created from smaller parts

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Pour some paint into separate containers
    2. Give your child some q-tips and paper
    3. Model dipping the q-tips into the paint and onto paper
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  • Fingerprint Art

    Your Child Will Learn

    Create art using their fingerprint as a tool

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Use watercolor paints or colored ink pads for this activity
    2. Help your child dip a finger into the watercolor paint or press their finger
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  • Character Portrait

    Your Child Will Learn

    Create a painting for a favorite book character

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Give your child paint and paper to create a portrait of their favorite book character
    2. Ask your child to paint the character’s face and
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  • Paper Plate Mask

    Your Child Will Learn

    Use art and imagination to create a mask

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Use a paper plate to create a mask for your child to decorate 
    2. Fold a paper plate in half and use scissors to cut
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  • Paper Roll Figures

    Your Child Will Learn

    Create an animal figure with a paper roll

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Use the inner roll from from a roll of paper towels or toilet paper
    2. Have your child paint their favorite animal on the paper
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  • Pasta Necklace

    Your Child Will Learn

    String together and paint materials to create a necklace

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Use dried pasta and durable yarn or twine for this activity
    2. Work with your child to thread the hollow ends of the pasta
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