Category: No Mess

  • Map A Nature Trail

    Your Child Will Learn

    Use basic geographic knowledge and tools to create a map 

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Visit a closeby nature trail where your child can navigate pathways and experience sightings of different animals, plants, flowers, trees, insects, bodies
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  • Map Our Community

    Your Child Will Learn

    Maps are detailed pictures that explain where things are located

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Before taking your child on a 10-15 minute walk in your neighborhood, discuss what a map is and show them a visual
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  • My Cultural Traditions

    Your Child Will Learn

    A cultural group is a set of people who do similar things called customs and traditions 

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Identify the cultural groups that your child belongs to 
    2. Explain to your child that a cultural
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  • Create A Song

    Your Child Will Learn

    Speaking words is different from singing sounds

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Think about all of your baby’s wonderful attributes!
    2. Create a short song of 3-5 lines about your baby, including their name
    3. Add harmonies and rhythms
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  • Explore A Museum

    Your Child Will Learn

    Museums are spaces where people can learn about the things they see and experience

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Plan a trip to a child-friendly museum
    2. While inside the museum, tell your child to point to things
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  • Kitchen Music

    Your Child Will Learn

    Different sounds can be created with kitchen objects

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Give your baby safe and shatter-proof kitchen objects like light-weight pots, pans, wooden spoons, plastic spoons, plastic spatulas, plastic bowls, and etc. (avoid objects
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  • Fast and Slow Music

    Your Child Will Learn

    Exploring movement and music

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Place your baby on a blanket on the floor. Play some music or sing to your baby.
    2. Hand your baby a scarf, tissue, or handkerchief, and hold one
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  • Talk and Change

    Your Child Will Learn

    How to have a “conversation”

    Here’s What to Do

    1. As you go through the diapering routine, describe each step to your baby as you do them.
    2. Keep eye contact with your baby, asking and answering your
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