Category: Park

  • More or Less?

    Your Child Will Learn

    Comparing the amounts of two groups of objects

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Wherever you are (home, playground, bus, store, etc.), direct your child’s attention to compare groups of objects. Try to find groups with 5 items
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  • Tell Me a Story About Me

    Your Child Will Learn

    They will learn about story sequence through a personal story

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Think of a story about your child’s life that you’d like to share.  It can be something funny or special that captures
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  • Texture Time at the Playground

    Your Child Will Learn

    Use descriptive words to describe textures of objects

    Here’s What to Do

    1. While on a trip to the playground, find different textures to do this activity. Some examples: slide, monkey bars, rubber ground covering, wood chips,
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  • Do You Hear What I Hear

    Your Child Will Learn

    To separate the beginning sounds of spoken words with help from adults

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Visit a public place where your child will hear different sounds of things in the surrounding environment; examples of places
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  • Robot Directions

    Your Child Will Learn

    Positional words and spatial awareness

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Choose a goal that you will direct your child, “the robot,” to reach.
    2. Give your child a series of directions to help them get to the goal.
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  • Rose, Thorn, Bud

    Your Child Will Learn

    How to tell an adult about their emotions

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Choose a time when you can do your Rose, Thorn, Bud reflections at the end of every day (like: commute home from school, dinner
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  • Fresh Air Feelings

    Your Child Will Learn

    A strategy for calming down 

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Notice how your body and mind feel.
    2. Head outside, to an area with trees or plants if possible (or open a window and look outside).
    3. Take 5
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  • Family Challenge Races

    Your Child Will Learn

    A fun way to move their body and build physical endurance

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Choose which races you want to try. Gather your supplies. Find a long space to be your race course, and mark
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  • Bubble Chase

    Your Child Will Learn

    To observe the effect wind has on bubbles

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Head outside with a bottle of blowing bubbles. Pick a starting point and put something there to mark it (a ball, a water bottle, etc.).
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  • Three Little Pigs Building Challenge

    Your Child Will Learn

    Investigating characteristics of Earth’s materials

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Read or tell your child the story of the Three Little Pigs.
    2. Head outside to a park, backyard, or other green space. Bring a small figurine or
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