Category: At Home

  • Let’s Make Popsicles!

    Your Child Will Learn

    How liquids can change their state from liquid to frozen

    Here’s What to Do

    1. With your child’s help, pour juice or milk into small paper or plastic cups. Ask your child to observe the juice/milk. Is
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  • Does it Float?

    Your Child Will Learn

    The scientific process: making a hypothesis, experimenting, and determining results

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Gather objects from around the house. If possible, find a mix of things that you know will sink (coins, marbles, rocks), float
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  • Kitchen Comparisons

    Your Child Will Learn

    How to use kitchen measuring tools to compare volume

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Gather four clear drinking glasses, measuring cups and spoons, and a larger container full of water (instead of water, you could also use
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  • More or Less Measuring Cups

    Your Child Will Learn

    Comparing volumes to determine which is more or less

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Gather three clear drinking glasses, measuring cups and spoons, and a large container full of water (instead of water, you could also use
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  • Daily Routine Poster

    Your Child Will Learn

    Vocabulary to talk about different times of the day

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Ask your child to give examples of things that happen every day. Make a list of their answers. (Examples: teeth brushing, getting dressed,
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  • Position Play

    Your Child Will Learn

    How to follow directions with position words

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Find a toy and a box big enough to fit the toy inside
    2. Ask your child to place the toy in and out of the
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  • Let’s Get Dressed

    Your Child Will Learn

    Clothing vocabulary words

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Put out some of your child’s clothing on their bed, a table, or flat surface.
    2. Pick up each clothing item and say its name as your child gets dressed.
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  • Match and Model Letters

    Your Child Will Learn

    To notice how letters are written and re-create letters with clay.

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Select a place with a flat surface. Set out modeling clay, play dough, or air-dry clay (see below for homemade play
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  • Words in Books

    Your Child Will Learn

    Written words in books have meanings that correspond with the pictures

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Choose a book with short sentences and lots of pictures.
    2. While reading the book to your child, ask them questions about
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  • Toy Talk

    Your Child Will Learn

    How to focus attention on someone talking to them

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Select one of your child’s favorite toys, like a stuffed animal or doll.
    2. Move the toy around and narrate what the toy’s doing.
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