Category: Social Studies

  • Attend A Community Festival

    Your Child Will Learn

    Communities come together to celebrate many things, like culture and customs

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Plan to attend a local festival in your community that is family-friendly and appropriate for children
    2. Seek festivals with hands-on activities
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  • Days of the Week

    Your Child Will Learn

    Each day has a name and the days of the week have a specific order

    Here’s What to Do

    1. On a large sheet of paper, draw a caterpillar with eight connected circles 
    2. Draw a smiley face
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  • Today, Yesterday, & Tomorrow

    Your Child Will Learn

    Sometimes we use the words today, yesterday, and tomorrow to describe days of the week

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Add the words today, yesterday, and tomorrow to the caterpillar drawing from the Days of the Week
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  • Explore A Local Monument

    Your Child Will Learn

    Monuments are natural or manmade structures that celebrates a special person or historical moment 

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Visit a local monument that your child can physically interact with through sight, sound, or touch 
    2. Explain who
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  • Explore A Local Landmark

    Your Child Will Learn

    Landmarks are large structures that represent ideas and tell stories about surrounding environments

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Visit a local landmark that your child can physically interact with through sight, sound, or touch 
    2. Explain what the
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  • Exploring Public Transportation

    Your Child Will Learn

    Public transportation moves people from one place to another

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Plan a trip for your child to experience riding public transportation, like a bus, train, tram, light rail, or ferry
    2. Show your child
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  • Family Treasures

    Your Child Will Learn

    Family histories are remembered by looking at heirlooms and special objects passed down from generation to generation 

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Select a family heirloom or special object that was passed down to you from an
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  • Family Schedule

    Your Child Will Learn

    People remember what to do throughout the day by using a schedule

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Create a family schedule on large paper with the days of the week and times so your children understand when
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  • Family Recipes

    Your Child Will Learn

    Families pass down recipes for memories and special occasions

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Think of a family recipe that is connected to a memory or special occasion
    2. Share how you learned the recipe, who taught it
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  • Family Safety Plan

    Your Child Will Learn

    During an emergency, there a things we should do and places we should go to be safe

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Discuss potential emergency situations that are specific to your regional location, like fires, floods, tornadoes,
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