Category: Social Studies

  • Who’s That in the Mirror?

    Your Child Will Learn

    That the person in the mirror is themselves! 

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Look into a mirror with me. Smile and say hello to help me learn that the baby in the mirror is me.
    2. Make a
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  • My Family Tree

    Your Child Will Learn

    Names and roles of family members 

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Ask your child to name as many family members as they can. Write down people’s names as your child lists them.  Include any and all people
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  • School Family Quilt

    Your Child Will Learn

    About their family history and how their family fits into the school community

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Talk with your child about your family story. You can talk about:
      • Who is in your family
      • Your ancestors-
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  • Family Map

    Your Child Will Learn

    Places where family and friends live and how to look at a map

    Here’s What to Do

    1. With your child, look at the world map worksheet (provided by school). Make a dot on the map to
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  • My Favorite Place

    Your Child Will Learn

    To explore a place in their community

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Take your child to a favorite place in your community.
    2. Give them a tour and describe all the things you like about that place. If
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