Category: Water

  • Water Play

    Your Child Will Learn

    To explore the characteristics of water

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Fill the bathtub or set up a kiddie pool or plastic bin outside. Provide some water toys. Some household objects that are great water toys:
      • Cups,
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  • Bathtime Fun

    Your Child Will Learn

    Exploring the characteristics of water

    Here’s What to Do

    1. While the tub is filling, gather plastic cups, bowls and containers in different sizes. Poke holes in the bottom of a few so water can trickle through
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  • Where did the Water Go?

    Your Child Will Learn

    About states of water and evaporation

    Here’s What to Do

    1. In the morning, fill a clear cup with water (it could be a glass, disposable cup, or measuring cup). Use a marker to draw a line
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  • Let’s Make Popsicles!

    Your Child Will Learn

    How liquids can change their state from liquid to frozen

    Here’s What to Do

    1. With your child’s help, pour juice or milk into small paper or plastic cups. Ask your child to observe the juice/milk. Is
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