Category: Subtraction

  • Fruit and Veggie Subtraction

    Your Child Will Learn

    Counting and introductory subtraction

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Gather 5 balls or soft objects and a box or basket to throw them in.
    2. Invite your child to imagine that the balls are a fruit or vegetable.
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  • Snack Subtraction

    Your Child Will Learn

    Solving subtraction problems with 10 items or fewer.

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Put 10 small pieces of food (like cereal) on a plate and ask your child to count them.
    2. Ask your child how many pieces
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  • Snack Subtraction

    Your Child Will Learn

    Introductory subtraction

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Put 5 small pieces of food (like cereal) on a plate and count them for your child (point as you count).
    2. Ask your child to remove 1 piece. Count how
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