Category: Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Create A Board Game
Your Child Will Learn
The logic involved in making a board game, counting
Here’s What to Do
- Have several simple board games set up around the room (like Candyland, Chutes and Ladders). Invite families to play the games for 10
Fruit and Veggie Subtraction
Your Child Will Learn
Counting and introductory subtraction
Here’s What to Do
- Gather 5 balls or soft objects and a box or basket to throw them in.
- Invite your child to imagine that the balls are a fruit or vegetable.
Shopping Cart Addition
Your Child Will Learn
Introductory Addition (adding up to 5)
Here’s What to Do
- At the grocery store, pick up one item and show it to your child before putting it in the cart/basket. Pick up one more item, and
Toy Patterns
Your Child Will Learn
Introduction to patterns
Here’s What to Do
- With your child, gather two different types of small toys (like blocks and toy cars, or balls and stuffed animals). Sort them into 2 piles based on their types.
Pattern Play
Your Child Will Learn
How to complete a complex pattern
Here’s What to Do
- Gather around 15 small objects in 3 different colors or sizes (like 3 colors of blocks, 3 sizes of paper clips, 3 types of coins)
- Arrange
Kitchen Patterns
Your Child Will Learn
How to extend a 3-object pattern
Here’s What to Do
- Gather a bunch of kitchen utensils (fork, spoon, butter knife). Ask your child to sort them.
- Place them in a simple pattern of 3 objects, repeating
Snack Subtraction
Your Child Will Learn
Solving subtraction problems with 10 items or fewer.
Here’s What to Do
- Put 10 small pieces of food (like cereal) on a plate and ask your child to count them.
- Ask your child how many pieces
Snack Subtraction
Your Child Will Learn
Introductory subtraction
Here’s What to Do
- Put 5 small pieces of food (like cereal) on a plate and count them for your child (point as you count).
- Ask your child to remove 1 piece. Count how
Snack Addition
Check out Acelero Learning families trying this PEER activity at home!
Snack Addition with the Holloways
Your Child Will Learn
Solving addition problems that add up to 10
Here’s What to Do
- Put 5 small pieces
Snack Addition
Check out Acelero Learning families trying this PEER activity at home!
Snack Addition with the Holloways
Your Child Will Learn
Introductory addition
Here’s What to Do
- Put 6 small pieces of food (like cereal) on a