Category: Spatial Awareness & Position

  • Robot Directions

    Your Child Will Learn

    Positional words and spatial awareness

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Choose a goal that you will direct your child, “the robot,” to reach.
    2. Give your child a series of directions to help them get to the goal.
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  • Playground Hide and Seek

    Your Child Will Learn

    Using positional words to understand the location of an object

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Bring a small toy to the playground.
    2. Ask your child to cover their eyes. Hide the toy somewhere on the playground. 
    3. Help
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  • Position Play

    Your Child Will Learn

    How to follow directions with position words

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Find a toy and a box big enough to fit the toy inside
    2. Ask your child to place the toy in and out of the
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  • Position Practice

    Your Child Will Learn

    Positional Words

    Here’s What to Do

    1. As you go through your day,  try to focus on using positional words when talking to your baby.
    2. Examples of positional words: above/below, in front/behind, between, next to, inside/outside, over/under,
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  • I Spy Shopping

    Your Child Will Learn

    Using positional words to locate an object

    Here’s What to Do

    1. In a store, ask your child to play a game of “I Spy” to help you find items on the shelves.
    2. When you see an
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  • Playground Hide and Seek

    Your Child Will Learn

    Using positional words to describe the location of an object

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Bring a small toy to the playground.
    2. Ask your child to hide the toy somewhere on the playground. Cover your eyes while
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