Category: Language and Literacy

  • A Look in the Library

    Your Child Will Learn

    To find new books they like in a library.

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Go to your local library with your child or children and explore the different sections, floors, or special areas; point out important areas,
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  • Let’s Go to the Library

    Your Child Will Learn

    That they can find some favorite books at the library and take them home!

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Go to your local library and find the infant and toddler part of the children’s section. Many libraries
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  • Our Family Dinner Menu

    Your Child Will Learn

    Use drawings and words to communicate the menu for family dinners

    Here’s What to Do

    1. On a large piece of paper, drawing 5 big circles or squares and label them with the days of the week;
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  • Texture Tales

    Your Child Will Learn

    To look at and interact with books.

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Find a board book with different textures your child can touch. (Or, tell a story out loud and have your child touch the textures of
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  • Homemade Books

    Your Child Will Learn

    Independently explore a homemade book with different texture

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Gather safe and child-friendly materials with different textures to create a homemade book for your child (examples: corrugated cardboard, bubble wrap, fabric, recycled plastic,
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  • Food Letter Play

    Your Child Will Learn

    Identify letters and sounds using edible alphabet letters 

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Purchase edible alphabet letters from your local grocery store. For example: alphabet cereal, crackers, cookies, or pasta (cook the alphabet pasta first). (Note: if
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  • Label Your Home

    Your Child Will Learn

    To identify letters and their sounds

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Before you begin, use post-it notes or small sheets of paper to write labels for 10 objects in your home. Make sure some of the names
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  • Letter Blend Bingo

    Your Child Will Learn

    Words have letter blends in the beginning, middle, or end of them

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Use the Letter Blend Bingo page and word cards to play this game
    2. Explain to your child that you will
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  • Letter Hide & Seek

    Your Child Will Learn

    To identify letter sounds in the middle of words.

    Here’s What to Do

    1.  Think of familiar 3-letter words with a vowel in the middle. Examples: cup, kid, top, nap, bus, pen, fox, get, cat, dog, etc.
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  • My Alphabet Book

    Your Child Will Learn

    To recognize most letters and know the sounds they make.

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Create a 27-page booklet with standard-size paper. Write “My Alphabet Book” on the cover, and write the capital and lowercase letters at
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