Category: Wellness

  • Map My Day

    Your Child Will Learn

    Map making and how to get places they need to go

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Talk with your child about their schedule for tomorrow. Mention the places they need to go, and in what order.
    2. Help
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  • Wait and Count

    Your Child Will Learn

    A strategy to use when they need to wait

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Invite your child to practice waiting.
    2. Give them a simple counting task to complete when you leave the room (like: counting red things
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  • Calm Your Body

    Your Child Will Learn

    A way to calm their body before falling asleep

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Find a space where you can move. Invite your child to notice how their body feels.
    2. With your child, wiggle your arms and
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  • Mindful Breaths

    Your Child Will Learn

    Fun breathing techniques to help your child feel calm

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Practice a flower breath
      • Imagine smelling a beautiful flower: take a deep breath in
      • Imagine blowing away dandelion seeds: blow slowly out through
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  • Say Goodnight

    Your Child Will Learn

    A routine to help them transition to bedtime

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Invite your child to play “Say Goodnight” before they lay down for sleep.
    2. Ask your child to walk through their room and say goodnight
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  • Prep Ahead Outfit

    Your Child Will Learn

    How to plan ahead to make their morning routine easier

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Invite your child to choose their clothes for the next day.
    2. Find a spot where your child can put their outfit each
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  • Good Morning, World!

    Your Child Will Learn

    How to be responsible for some parts of their morning routine

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Choose a ‘good morning’ song to sing every morning (if you don’t know one already, search “good morning song” on the
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  • I Wiggle

    Your Child Will Learn

    A way to calm down their bodies before sleep

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Find a space in your home where you can wiggle. Put down a towel, blanket, or mat and stand on it.
    2. Sing a
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  • Relax My Body

    Your Child Will Learn

    A relaxation technique to prepare for sleep

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Before bed, ask your child to choose a magical creature (fairy, dragon, unicorn, etc.) and a color.
    2. Starting with their face, use your palm to
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  • This Is The Way

    Your Child Will Learn

    A song to help transition between different parts of the day

    Here’s What to Do

    1. As you start a routine or activity, sing a song about what’s coming up next in your day. You can use
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