Category: Health and Wellness

  • World Dance Party

    Your Child Will Learn

    People around the world enjoy special music from their cultures, and dancing to that music is fun!

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Using the internet, find music from all around the world. Search songs from your family’s
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  • Tummy Time Art

    Your Child Will Learn

    Strength, coordination, and sensory development through creative stimulation

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Fill a ziploc bag with shaving cream and a few drops of one food coloring; the bag should be zipped tight and leak-proof
    2. If
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  • Let’s Cook Together

    Your Child Will Learn

    Food and cooking vocabulary

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Describe to your baby what you’re going to cook. Talk about each step as you complete it.
    2. Show your baby different ingredients and kitchen tools. Name the items
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  • Wait and Count

    Your Child Will Learn

    A strategy to use when they need to wait

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Invite your child to practice waiting.
    2. Give them a simple counting task to complete when you leave the room (like: counting red things
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  • Family Recipes

    Your Child Will Learn

    Families pass down recipes for memories and special occasions

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Think of a family recipe that is connected to a memory or special occasion
    2. Share how you learned the recipe, who taught it
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  • Family Safety Plan

    Your Child Will Learn

    During an emergency, there a things we should do and places we should go to be safe

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Discuss potential emergency situations that are specific to your regional location, like fires, floods, tornadoes,
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  • Let’s Make Pizza!

    Your Child Will Learn

    How to prepare a meal and talk about food they like or don’t like

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Gather all of the ingredients you need and set them up together with your child.
    2. Let your child
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  • I Spy a Clean Floor

    Your Child Will Learn

    How to help clean up after mealtimes

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Ask your child for help cleaning up the floor after a meal. Give your child a dustpan and brush, a child-sized broom, or a small
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  • I Can Serve Myself

    Your Child Will Learn

    How to serve themselves food during mealtime

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Talk about the food choices that are on the table.
    2. Show your child how you put food on your own plate, and talk about it
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  • Silly Salad Face

    Your Child Will Learn

    How to enjoy a fun and healthy snack

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Invite your child to make a Silly Salad Face. Ask them what fruits and vegetables they’d like to use to make a face. Choose
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