Category: Exploration of Creative Arts

  • Fingerprint Art

    Your Child Will Learn

    Create art using their fingerprint as a tool

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Use watercolor paints or colored ink pads for this activity
    2. Help your child dip a finger into the watercolor paint or press their finger
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  • Veggie and Food Print Art

    Your Child Will Learn

    Create art prints using vegetables and fruits

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Cut different vegetables and fruits in halves and quarters (potatoes, apples, carrots, lemons, grapes, corn, and broccoli)
    2. Pour 3-4 paint colors onto small plates or
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  • Nature Collage

    Your Child Will Learn

    Art can be made with natural materials

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Go on an outdoor walk and ask your child to collect natural materials, like leaves, grass, twigs, pebbles, flowers, weeds, acorns, pine needles, and etc.
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  • Character Portrait

    Your Child Will Learn

    Create a painting for a favorite book character

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Give your child paint and paper to create a portrait of their favorite book character
    2. Ask your child to paint the character’s face and
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  • Pasta Necklace

    Your Child Will Learn

    String together and paint materials to create a necklace

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Use dried pasta and durable yarn or twine for this activity
    2. Work with your child to thread the hollow ends of the pasta
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  • Ribbon Play

    Your Child Will Learn

    Creative stimulation for touch and sight sensory experience

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Gather some colorful ribbons that are 5-7 inches in length
    2. Loosely tie 2-3 ribbons to the tips of your fingers
    3. Sit your baby in
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  • Sensory Bottles

    Your Child Will Learn

    Creative stimulation for sight and touch sensory experience

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Fill 3-4 small plastic bottles with water
    2. Add a few drops of food coloring, dish soap, and glitter to each bottle
    3. Make sure the
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  • Sensory Wall

    Your Child Will Learn

    Creative stimulation for touch sensory experience

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Gather a combination of soft and textured objects like balloons, fabric, balls of yarn, sand paper, and bubble wrap.
    2. Tape the objects to a wall in
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  • Sponge Painting

    Your Child Will Learn

    Make marks and patterns with a sponge on paper

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Put a few dots of paint on a plate or tray.
    2. Give your child sponges of different shapes and sizes.
    3. Optional: Cut the
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  • Finger Painting

    Your Child Will Learn

    Exploring creative expression with “paint”

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Make the baby-safe finger paint ahead of time (it needs time to cool). If possible, your baby can watch you make the paint. See below for the
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