Category: Creative Expression

  • Heritage Tree Leaf

    Your Child Will Learn

    About their family and their family’s culture and traditions

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Talk about your family:
      • People in your family
      • Traditions in your family
      • Language(s) your family speaks
      • Culture(s) your family belongs to
      • Things your
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  • Hand Tracing

    Your Child Will Learn

    The shape of our hands can be used to make creative art

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Use a pencil to trace your child’s hands on paper 
    2. Ask your child what shapes and figures can they create
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  • Dance Together

    Your Child Will Learn

    Moving your body to music is called dancing

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Clear an open space for you and your child to dance together
    2. Play lively music that your child will enjoy 
    3. Perform simple movements and
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  • Make Your Own Sound Shaker

    Your Child Will Learn

    Shaking a hollow object with many small parts inside can make sounds 

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Halfway fill 3-4 small clear plastic bottles with different smaller objects like rice, corn kernels, dry beans, dry seeds, nuts,
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  • Natural Mosaic Moods

    Your Child Will Learn

    Mosaic art is an image made of smaller pieces

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Fold a piece of paper into 4 equal parts
    2. Give your child a pencil and ask them to draw a face that represents
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  • Paint to Music

    Your Child Will Learn

    The beats and rhythms heard in music can inspire how we paint

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Play a lively song with lots of instrumentation and percussion
    2. Give your child paper, 2-3 non-toxic paint colors, and paintbrushes
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  • Paint Your Feelings

    Your Child Will Learn

    Colors can represent how we feel 

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Ask your child to think about how colors represent different feelings; follow their lead even if their thoughts about colors and feelings are unusual
    2. Display 3-4
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  • Tummy Time Art

    Your Child Will Learn

    Strength, coordination, and sensory development through creative stimulation

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Fill a ziploc bag with shaving cream and a few drops of one food coloring; the bag should be zipped tight and leak-proof
    2. If
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  • Sock Puppet Play

    Your Child Will Learn

    Create a puppet with art materials

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Give your child an old sock and color markers to create a sock puppet
    2. While your child is working, create your own sock puppet alongside them 
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  • Torn Paper Collage

    Your Child Will Learn

    Tear paper to create an artistic collage

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Give your child 5-6 strips of colored paper
    2. Demonstrate tearing the strips into smaller pieces
    3. Give your child paper and glue to create a collage
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